Política de privacidad

29 de abril de 2024

BBW, S.A. of C.V. is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our user’s personal information. We understand the importance of balancing compliance with AML/CFT regulations and safeguarding user privacy. As such, a comprehensive data protection and privacy policy has been developed that meets regulatory requirements and best practices in data privacy.

Data collection and processing

BBW, S.A. of C.V. collects and processes personal information only to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations, provide our services and maintain a secure platform. The types of data collected include, but are not limited to

1. Personally identifiable information (e.g. name, date of birth, identification documents)

2. Contact information (e.g. phone number, email address)

3. Financial information (e.g. transaction history, economic activity, source of funds)

4. Technical data (e.g. device information, usage data)

Legal basis for data processing

BBW, S.A. of C.V. processes personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including AML/CFT requirements, and based on the following legal bases:

1. Compliance with legal obligations: We process personal information where required by law, for example for AML/CFT compliance, tax reporting or to respond to legal requests.

2. Performance of a contract: We process personal information to fulfill our contractual obligations to users, such as executing transactions and providing customer support.

3. Legitimate interests: We process personal information to improve our platform, prevent fraud and maintain the security of our systems.

Data sharing and disclosure

BBW, S.A. of C.V. only shares personal information with regulators, law enforcement agencies and other third parties when legally required or necessary to protect our rights, property or the safety of our users. We do not sell or rent personal information to third parties for marketing purposes. There are several scenarios in which BBW, S.A. of C.V. may be legally required to share users' transactional information with regulators, law enforcement or other third parties. These scenarios include:

1. Compliance with AML/CFT regulations: BBW, S.A. of C.V. must report regulated transactions and/or suspicious activities to the relevant authorities, such as the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) or other designated agencies of the Attorney General's Office, Superintendency of the Financial System. Suspicious activities may include transactions inconsistent with a user's profile, those involving high-risk jurisdictions, or patterns indicative of money laundering or terrorist financing.

2. International cooperation and information exchange: BBW, S.A. of C.V. may be required to share historical transactional information with government authorities under international agreements, such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations or bilateral mutual legal assistance agreements. This cooperation is intended to support cross-border investigations, intelligence gathering and enforcement of AML/CFT laws.

3. Fraud prevention and platform security: In cases where BBW, S.A. of C.V. detect fraudulent activities or security breaches, the company may share transactional information with relevant authorities or third parties to facilitate investigations and safeguard the integrity of the platform. 

BBW, S.A. of C.V. protects user privacy and only shares transactional information when legally required or necessary to ensure the security of the platform. The company maintains strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations and discloses information only to authorized parties while prioritizing the protection of user data.

Prohibition of email transmission 

BBW, S.A. of C.V. is committed to protecting its customers' sensitive information, including strictly prohibiting the transmission of user data via email. Emails can be intercepted, hacked or accessed by unauthorized persons, therefore the transmission of user data via email is prohibited under any circumstances. The following procedures must be followed to ensure data security.haring:

1. Use secure platforms: Secure file sharing platforms or encrypted communication channels are used to share sensitive user data. These platforms must meet high security standards and comply with relevant data protection regulations.

2. Limit data sharing: Share user data only when necessary and limit the number of people who access the information and that all recipients are authorized to handle the data and have completed necessary privacy and data protection training .

3. Monitoring and logging: All instances in which user data is shared are logged, including the date, time, recipients, and nature of the information. Periodically audit and review these logs to identify unusual patterns or potential violations.

By strictly prohibiting the use of email to share user data and adhering to these secure data sharing procedures, BBW, S.A. of C.V. can ensure the highest level of data protection for its users and maintain compliance with data privacy regulations.

BBW, S.A. of C.V. recognizes its responsibility to cooperate with regulatory authorities and will make data available to them in good faith, should they have just cause to request it. To facilitate this process, we will establish secure channels to share information with regulators, ensuring we maintain the confidentiality and integrity of our clients' data while supporting authorities in their efforts to combat financial crime and maintain financial stability.

Data retention

BBW, S.A. of C.V. is committed to maintaining a robust data retention policy that protects user information while complying with all relevant Salvadoran legal requirements. The following key points describe its data retention policy:

1. Retention period: In accordance with the requirements of Salvadoran AML/CFT laws and regulations, BBW, S.A. of C.V. will retain customer identification and transactional records for no less than fifteen (15) years following the termination of the business relationship or completion of the transaction.

2. Storage and security: All data from BBW, S.A. de C.V., including personal and transactional information, will be stored securely in encrypted databases. Access to this data will be strictly limited to authorized personnel with a legitimate need to access the information for business purposes, such as AML/CFT compliance or regulatory reporting.

3. Periodic review: BBW, S.A. of C.V. will periodically review its data retention policy to ensure compliance with any changes to Salvadoran legal requirements. This review will also include evaluating the effectiveness of the company's data storage and security measures.

4. Data destruction: BBW, S.A. of C.V. will securely delete or destroy all personal and transactional information in accordance with Salvadoran data protection laws after the required retention period has elapsed. This process will ensure that user data is not retained longer than necessary and that potential privacy risks are minimized.

5. Disclosure to authorities: BBW, S.A. of C.V. will comply with legal requirements to disclose withheld information to Salvadoran authorities when necessary. This may include sharing data with regulatory and oversight entities or other government entities in response to legal requests, court orders, or as part of regulatory reporting obligations. It is important to note that this information will not be shared via email to ensure the highest level of security and privacy.

By adhering to these data retention policies, BBW, S.A. of C.V. aims to maintain the privacy and trust of its users while ensuring full compliance with Salvadoran laws and regulations related to anti-money laundering, terrorist financing and data protection.

Data security

BBW, S.A. of C.V. employs robust security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction. These measures include encryption, access controls, and periodic security assessments.

User rights

BBW, S.A. of C.V. respects the rights of users to access, correct or delete their personal information, subject to applicable laws and regulations. Users may also object to data processing in certain circumstances, such as direct marketing.

By implementing a comprehensive privacy and data protection policy, BBW, S.A. of C.V. ensures responsible handling of personal information while maintaining compliance with AML/CFT regulations and safeguarding user privacy.

Política del sitio web

1. Introducción
Respetamos su privacidad y queremos proteger su información personal. Esta Política de Privacidad describe cómo recogemos, utilizamos y protegemos su información cuando visita nuestro sitio web (www.blink.sv). Al utilizar nuestro sitio web, usted acepta las prácticas descritas en esta Política de Privacidad.

2. Información que recopilamos
Recopilamos información sobre usted para supervisar el uso del sitio y seguir mejorando nuestro sitio web. La información que recopilamos incluye los datos que Google Analytics recoge sobre sus visitas a nuestro sitio web, entre los que se incluyen:Detalles del dispositivo que utiliza para acceder a nuestro sitio web

Detalles sobre sus visitas a nuestro sitio web y los recursos a los que accede, incluidos, entre otros, datos de tráfico, datos de ubicación, weblogs y otros datos de comunicación.

No obstante, no se recopila ningún dato personal identificable sin su consentimiento explÃcito.

Nuestro sitio web utiliza Google Analytics, un servicio analÃtico de web prestado por Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics utiliza "cookies", que son archivos de texto ubicados en su ordenador, para ayudar al website a analizar el uso que hacen los usuarios del sitio web. Le informamos de que no utilizamos cookies de terceros, ni proporcionamos sus datos a terceros, ni vendemos sus datos.

4. Protección de su información
Nos tomamos muy en serio su privacidad y nos comprometemos a salvaguardar su privacidad en línea. Los datos recogidos se almacenan de forma segura y sólo tiene acceso a ellos el personal autorizado.

5. Cambios en nuestra políticade privacidad
Es posible que actualicemos ocasionalmente esta política de privacidad. Cuando lo hagamos, también revisaremos la "Fecha de entrada en vigor" en la parte superior de la Política de Privacidad. Le recomendamos que revise periódicamente esta Política de Privacidad para mantenerse informado sobre cómo protegemos la información personal que recopilamos.

6.Cómo ponerse en contacto con nosotros
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre esta Política de Privacidad o sobre nuestras prácticas de privacidad, póngase en
contactocon nosotros en support@blink.sv.